Children and Youth
At Abingdon Church, we foster each child’s walk with God through learning, question-asking, participation, and service. Our formation (education and learning) programs build community among the children and within our inter-generational church, with other area churches, and within the Diocese of Virginia. We encourage leadership and participation in worship, youth activities, service projects, and pilgrimages.
Children belong in all church services. We love the sounds of a living, breathing, growing church. We also offer Nursery care and Children's Chapel, meeting younger children’s and parents’ needs for their own care and spiritual development. Because of COVID, our Nursery is currently closed. Children’s Chapel takes place during the 10:30 service, where children are led out before the Gospel and given their own Bible lesson based on the lectionary readings for the day. Children return to “big church” during the announcements, and participate fully in Communion.
Talk with Melanie or Sven about your child being Baptized or Confirmed, and trained to become an acolyte, lector, usher, or broadcast producer. We want to see AND hear your kids.
Babies, Toddlers and Pre-School
Abingdon provides nursery care during the service, and also offers a variety of programs for our youngest members, including children’s chapel, pageants, family fellowship, and vacation bible school.
Elementary School
Children in kindergarten through 5th grade participate fully in the life of Abingdon Church. Elementary aged youth are active in Sunday School, youth activities, service projects, retreats, they serve as acolytes, in the children's choir and more!
Middle School
Youth in 6th through 8th grade are involved in many activities at Abingdon. They are acolytes, Sunday School students, helpers at Vacation Bible School; they raise funds to serve others and participate in worship and fellowship together.
High School
Youth in 9th through 12th grade take on leadership roles in our Christian community. They lead worship events and service projects and teach at Vacation Bible School. In addition, they enjoy time together on retreats and in fellowship activities.