
Weddings and Baptisms

Celebration and Blessing of a marriage

Either the bride or the groom, or a member of their immediate family, must be a member of Abingdon in order to be married in the church. The availability of the church for a wedding may be determined by calling the Rector. Premarital counseling is required by the canons of the Episcopal Church. In the case of a divorced person who wishes to remarry, permission from the Bishop is required. There is a fee for weddings held in the church.


Baptisms are scheduled as needed except during the seasons of Advent and Lent. Exceptionally good days for baptism are the Sunday in January celebrating the Baptism of our Lord, on Pentecost, on the day of the Bishop’s visit, and on All Saints Sunday in November. Parents and sponsors (Godparents) are expected to attend a pre-baptism meeting in the church on the Saturday immediately preceding the baptism date.

We welcome infants and adults into Christ’s church through Baptism.