Adult Formation
We grow in faith throughout our whole lives. Formation for adults seeks to bring our life experiences into context with our understanding of Scripture, tradition, and reason.
Sunday Mornings
Most Adult Formation takes place on Sunday morning. Grab a cup of coffee and join your fellow parishioners in exploring an interesting variety of timely and important issues in our church and community. We have a few options for adults to grow and learn:
Loving the Questions
A weekly small group discussion that asks members to bring their questions about faith and church.
Adult Forum
This topic-based gathering schedules a series of speakers or topics to be covered. Typically, we spend 3-5 weeks on the same topic.
Stories for the Journey
Throughout the year we gather to hear one another’s stories. Often set around a common theme, these gatherings help share the joys and challenges of a faithful life.
Mid-week Formation
For most of the year, a gathering is offered during the week. Often, these are offered as a hybrid (in-person and online).
Where two things come together, interesting questions and learnings can follow. We’ve looked at the intersection of Science and Religion, Faith and Politics, Christianity and Islam. Join us at the intersection.
Education for Ministry (EfM)
This 4-year curriculum comes from the School of Theology of Sewanee. The group meets weekly during the academic year. Registration takes place in August or September of each year.