Our Services
8:00 AM Sunday Service (No Music)
10:30 AM Sunday Service (With Music)
Favorite hymns are the highlight of summer worship together. Following the service, we gather on the church lawn for lemonade and fellowship.
Noon - 1:00 PM Wednesdays
This is a time for individual reflection. The church is open for silent prayer. Come and pray or meditate as long as you care to.
We follow a liturgy (a pattern) in our worship.
We worship in much the same way that Jesus’ first followers did.
We begin with a short prayer, then we hear passages of Scripture, then a sermon based on that Scripture, then some more prayers and a sacramental meal.
Then we go into the world to share God’s love and peace.
Worship lasts about an hour.
Dedicate Flowers
Most Sundays our altar is graced with arrangements of live flowers. These are given to the Glory of God and in honor, memory, or thanksgiving of a person or an event. Dedications are $80.00 and can be made using the form below. Once you submit your dedication, payment options will be offered. If you have specific flowers you want to be used, indicate in the “special instructions”. There may be an additional charge for more costly flowers. We will contact you if this is the case.
Thank you for helping us to worship God with the arrangements. After the worship, the arrangements are distributed to members of the parish and wider community as a symbol of God’s love.
A typical arrangement. Each Sunday we use 2 arrangements. A dedication covers the costs of both.